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An image of OPAL's wheelchair accessible vehicle. The vehicle is black and has their logo and telephone number on the side.

New community transport grant awarded to OPAL and AVSED

We are thrilled to have awarded OPAL and AVSED a grant totalling £356,873 to transform community transport in Leeds.

Why are we funding OPAL and AVSED?

OPAL and AVSED are two of the Leeds Neighbourhood Network schemes offering 2,400 individual journeys a month.

Their services allow disabled people and older residents in the community to live independently and access health appointments, exercise and social activities (provided by other community charities in the area).

The funding will increase the provision of accessible transport to disabled people aged over 60 in North West Leeds as well as benefit the current 1,587 members of both charities.

OPAL and AVSED project

The grant has been used to:

  • purchase two brand new wheelchair accessible vehicles
  • develop a shared pool of transport volunteers, including volunteer drivers and passenger assistants, and
  • run services on evenings and weekends.

“Enable us to expand and reach more beneficiaries”

An OPAL and AVSED spokesperson said: “We are thrilled to find out that the Motability Foundation has funded our project, which will enable us to expand and reach more beneficiaries. Many of whom may not have access to affordable, disability-friendly community transport.

“The funding allows us to promote independence and support choices for those facing barriers to transport.”

Learn more

Read more information about OPAL and AVSED.

Find out more about our grants to charities and organisations.

Find out more

Grants to individuals and organisations

We have grants available to individuals as well as organisations and charities to help disabled people make more journeys.

Charitable Grants

Innovation and research

Our innovation team has commissioned research to better understand the barriers faced by disabled people in accessing transport.

Impact and Innovation

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

If you have any questions about our grant programmes you can learn more by visiting and reading our FAQs.