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How We Are Governed

Motability Foundation is incorporated by the Royal Charter granted on 18 May 1988. Motability Foundation’s Royal Charter was amended and updated on 8 December 2005, 11 November 2020 and 16 February 2022. The Royal Charter provides for Members to elect the Board of Governors which is responsible for the overall governance of Motability Foundation.

Learn more about our Governors, Patrons and Members.


Chair of Motability Foundation

Charles Manby MBE is Chair of the Board of Governors of Motability Foundation. Responsibility for implementing policy and the reviewing of performance is delegated by the Board to a number of Committees, as set out below. They meet prior to Board meetings and formally report to them, so that any recommendations for changes in strategy or policy can be ratified by the full Board.

Ed Humpherson CB FCA is the Vice Chair of Motability Foundation.

Audit, Risk and Finance Committee

The Audit, Risk and Finance Committee is chaired by David Hunter FCA. The other members are Richard Cartwright ACA and Tony Davis.

The Committee is responsible for external audit and internal audit matters, reviews our annual report and accounts, oversees our management of risk, including regulatory compliance, and addresses our finances – reviewing our annual budget, financial strategy and matters like our pension funds and insurance arrangements.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is chaired by Charles Manby MBE. The other members are David Hunter FCA, Merlyn Lowther, Dipankar Shewaram (Independent) and Peter Oppenheimer (Independent).

The Committee appoints, monitors and can remove investment managers in pursuit of the investment strategy contained within the investment policy.

The Grant-Making and Innovation Committee

The Grant-Making and Innovation Committee comprises five Governors and is chaired by Robin Hindle Fisher OBE. The other members are Dr Juliana Onwumere, Dr Hannah Barham-Brown FRSA, Jackie Driver FRSA OBE and Professor William Webb. 

The Committee reviews Motability’s grants policies and oversees the administration of Charitable Operations to ensure that it delivers value for money and a high level of customer service to meet the needs of beneficiaries.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is chaired by Charles Manby MBE. The other members are Ed Humpherson CB FCA and other Governors as and when required.

The Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Governors in relation to the appointment of Governors, Committee members, CEO and Directors.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is chaired by Charles Manby MBE. The other members are Dr Hannah Barham-Brown and Richard Cartwright ACA.

The primary purpose is to review the remuneration of the CEO and senior management, and the employee pay and benefits strategy.

Scheme Oversight Committee

The Scheme Oversight Committee is chaired by Ed Humpherson CB FCA. The other members are David Hunter FCA, Tony Davis and Michael Harrison. 

Motability's oversight ensures that the Scheme delivers value for money and a unique level of customer service to disabled people, in a sustainable manner. Each quarter, the Oversight Committee reviews Motability Operations Ltd's performance against contractual Key Performance Indicators. Appropriate actions are taken in the event of any shortfalls in performance.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The CEO of Motability Foundation is Nigel Fletcher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Charity’s affairs and the relationships with stakeholders, including the Department for Work and Pensions and Motability Operations. The CEO is supported by a senior management team to ensure the implementation of policies agreed by the Governors of Motability Foundation.

Find out more

Grants to individuals and organisations

We have grants available to individuals as well as organisations and charities to help disabled people make more journeys.

Charitable Grants

Innovation and research

Our innovation team has commissioned research to better understand the barriers faced by disabled people in accessing transport.

Impact and Innovation

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

If you have any questions about our grant programmes you can learn more by visiting and reading our FAQs.