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A man in a wheelchair outside a building. He's happily looking into the distance.

Our Plan

We developed Our Plan in 2019 and have since refreshed our strategic goals accordingly.

This review sets out the steps that we will take to continue our work over the coming five years.

The Board of Governors endorsed this paper in September 2021 with a five-year horizon and a review point after three years.

Download Motability Foundation’s Our Plan (PDF 5.3 MB)

Our five strategic pillars

  1. Motability Scheme: Ensure the success of the Motability Scheme in meeting the transportation needs of disabled people.
  2. Grant-making: Use charitable funds effectively to address the transportation needs of beneficiaries.
  3. Build Awareness and Engagement: Build awareness of, and trust in, the work of Motability Foundation, listen to the views of disabled people, their organisations and other key stakeholders, and take account of them when we make important decisions
  4. Innovation: Constantly look for, and develop, new ways to meet the evolving transportation needs of disabled people.
  5. Disability Charity: Provide the highest level of service to meet the transportation needs of disabled people, underpinned by a strong infrastructure and an empathetic, evidence-led culture.

Find out more

Annual report and accounts

Our annual report and accounts provide a summary of our activities and main achievements for the year. Read the latest.

Our annual report and accounts

Grant Making Policy

Learn more about how we grant fund and the policy behind it. 

Our Grant Making Policy

How we are governed

Learn more about how we are governed here at Motability Foundation.

How we are governed