When things do not go as planned
Motability Foundation is committed to providing the highest standard of service but we recognise that sometimes things do not go as planned. If this happens and you have a complaint regarding any of Motability Foundation’s work then you can follow the Motability Foundation complaint process outlined in this policy.
We define a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction with our service or organisation as a whole that calls for a response.
We aim to ensure that:
- Making a complaint is as easy and transparent as possible
- We deal with complaints appropriately and within the agreed time frame
We reserve the right to refuse to consider a complaint that is vexatious, malicious or motivated by discriminatory behaviours and we reserve the right to refuse to consider or to consider further a complaint submitted by a person determined to be an unreasonably persistent complainant. The Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Board of Governors, will make this decision.
Complaints about the Motability Scheme
Motability Foundation, is not able to adjudicate on matters relating to a specific Scheme customer’s contract as the legal agreement is between the customer and Motability Operations Ltd, so if you have a complaint about your agreement on the Motability Scheme or the service provided to you by Motability Operations Ltd, you should in the first instance contact Motability Operations Ltd who deliver the Scheme on a day-to-day basis so they can help resolve matters for you.
In its role of overseeing the Scheme, Motability Foundation regularly reviews customer complaint trends with Motability Operations Ltd to identify any areas for improvement.
Where your complaint relates to something other than your relationship with Motability Operations Ltd or agreement for the Motability Scheme, for example your eligibility to access the Motability Scheme or an introduction made by Motability Foundation to the Motability Scheme, you should complain directly to Motability Foundation.
How to make a Complaint to Motability Foundation
You can make a complaint by email, post or by completing our online form. We prefer to talk to you so that we can resolve your complaint as quickly as possible so please give your contact details, including a telephone number.
Email: complaint@motabilityfoundation.org.uk
Online: Complete our complaints form
Post: Complaints, Motability Foundation, Warwick House, Roydon Road, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5PX
If you tell us that you prefer for your concerns to be dealt with in writing, we will write to you and acknowledge receipt of your complaint – usually within three days of us receiving your complaint.
What happens next?
We will always try to resolve your complaint straight away and resolve the situation at an informal level. We will keep you updated on our progress. We aim to fully resolve all complaints and provide you with our formal response within 30 days of you raising the matter with us.
What we will do:
- Acknowledge all complaints within three working days
- Review the complaint in full
- Investigate thoroughly the issues raised
- Keep you updated on our progress
- Communicate a final response within 30 days*
* if this is not possible due to the complex nature of the complaint we will tell you the reason why this may take longer to communicate
Learn from the feedback
What if I remain dissatisfied?
In cases where you are dissatisfied with the formal response you have received, you are able to escalate your complaint, within seven days of receiving the response, to the Chief Executive Officer, at the address above or by email complaint@motabilityfoundation.org.uk.
In cases where the Chief Executive Officer is the subject of the complaint the matter will be referred to Motability Foundation’s Governors. If we have properly investigated your complaint in accordance with this Policy but you remain dissatisfied with the response from the Chief Executive Officer or the Governors then, whilst you may have the additional rights described in this section, we also reserve the right to notify you that we regard our complaint process as concluded and to decline to communicate further in relation to the complaint, or to consider further complaints linked to the same matters. The Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Board of Governors, will make this decision.
Additionally, Motability Foundation is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for a small amount of our business activity. This is limited to Motability Foundation’s involvement in promotional activity to raise awareness and understanding of the Motability Scheme among potential customers.
If your complaint relates to Motability Foundation introducing you to the Motability Scheme please review our regulated complaints policy (PDF 154.1 KB).
Application for a Charitable Grant
The Governors of Motability Foundation have provided delegated authority to Motability Foundation’s Directors and Charitable Operations Division to consider applications for Charitable grants.
All decisions on grant awards are made on the information available to us at the time. If you receive a funding decision that you are not satisfied with, you can ask us to review your case. You can ask us to review your case particularly when:
- New information comes to light that was not available at the time of the original application for charitable funding
- You believe that our decision failed to take something relevant into account
- You believe (and can show that) a financial contribution we have asked you to make will cause you genuine hardship
If you would like us to reconsider your case, please speak to your Case Manager.
If you remain dissatisfied following this reconsideration you can ask for a Team Manager to review the decision.
Making a Complaint about a Grant Decision
In cases where you remain dissatisfied with the final review you have received, you are able to escalate your complaint within seven days of receiving the response to the Chief Executive Officer, at the address above or by email complaint@motabilityfoundation.org.uk Motability Foundation’s Grant Making Committee, comprised of Governors, act as the final arbitrator in the event of a complaint or case review.
Your Personal Information
To investigate and administer your complaint it is necessary for us to collect and hold personal information about you. We will hold the information you provide to us securely and use it to help process your complaint. We will only share your information with organisations that we have a contractual relationship with or who we need to share your information with to deal with your complaint, including but not limited to; Motability Operations Limited, Direct Line Motability (DLM as the Motability Scheme Insurer), selected vehicle convertors and suppliers, adaption installers and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
For full details of how Motability Foundation processes your personal information, including our data retention periods and your rights as a data subject under data protection laws, please see more information and our privacy policy.
Motability Foundation is a data controller of the personal information we collect and process in connection with your complaint. If you have any queries in relation to how we process personal information, contact our Data Protection Officer at Motability Foundation, Warwick House, Roydon Road, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5PX or email our Data Protection Officer (please mark all correspondence with “Data Protection Officer”).