We fund, support, research and innovate to help all disabled people make the journeys they choose.
Our research and innovation shows what needs to change so that more disabled people can use transport, now and in the future.
We carry out ongoing research, in partnership with disabled people and key stakeholders in the industry, to inspire innovations that continue to champion accessible transport for all.
We also commission research directly through our Innovation Team. This research usually explores a topic which will inform our innovation work, outlined in our new priority areas below.
Our recent projects
- Electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints: research into the accessibility of electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints, which has led to our co-sponsorship of the world-leading PAS 1899 accessible charging standard. We also funded partner Designability to develop accessible charging prototypes.
- National Centre for Accessible Transport (ncat): establishing and funding an evidence centre – a UK first in inclusive transport - based at Coventry University’s National Transport Design Centre (NTDC)
- Community car club proof of concept: a project testing a new kind of car club in rural and semi-rural areas that aims to provide more accessible journeys for disabled people
- User research grants programme: establishing grant funding for disability charities and disabled people’s organisations who want to carry out user research on transport with their beneficiaries
- PhD studentships: offered scholarships to people with lived experience of disability to undertake research into accessible transport
Our new priority areas
In December 2022 we launched our first Innovation Priorities Review.
We investigated what the biggest current issues are in accessible transport that we should be addressing through innovation.
Taking into account all of the response we received during the review, we have decided to take a broader approach from 2023-2026, working on a wide range of projects covering different transport modes and disabilities.
Priority One
Finding solutions to improve existing transport in the areas of greatest opportunity.

Priority Two
Ensuring accessibility is a key part of future transport modes and technology.

Collaborate with us
If you are interested in collaborating with our Innovation team please email innovation@motabilityfoundation.org.uk.